December 14 – Day 3: Constructing a 32-bit Wi-Fi Node Using the PIC32M


The PIC32MM family of 32-bit microcontrollers are a click below full-blown PIC32 devices and distant cousins to ARM Cortex microcontrollers. In other words, PIC32MM devices are perfect for applications that need a bit more horsepower than an 8-bit PIC but not as much umph as an entry-level ARM Cortex microcontroller. 

The goal of today’s lecture is to load up our PIC32MM USB Curiosity Development Board with an ATWINC1500 Wi-FI module and write some code to put the ATWINC1500 through its paces. By the end of today’s lecture, we will use MPLAB X, the XC32 C Compiler, and the Microchip Code Configurator to assemble code that will query and set the ATWINC1500’s internal data areas. Using the same Microchip firmware development tools, we will also code functions to generate TCP/IP-based data exchange via client and server nodes.


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