Get to know more about the Manufacturing Industry

Get to know more about the Manufacturing Industry

Industry has a very important role for a country, including in Indonesia. The decline in the manufacturing industry caused a domino effect, one of which was the spread of a fairly significant number of unemployed. Before going any further, do you know what the manufacturing industry is? For those of you who don’t know it, especially those of you who want to know more about the Manufacturing Industry.

What is the Manufacturing Industry?

In accordance with the sentence structure, the manufacturing industry consists of two words, namely “industry” and “manufacture”. Industry is a group of companies that produce and sell similar goods or services, such as the textile, electronics, and construction materials such as steel.

While manufacturing comes from the word “manufacture” (English) which means to make products either by hand or by machine. For example, making a cake where in its manufacture we can use hands or machines as a form of the manufacturing process.

Manufacturing Industry Control

Because this manufacturing industry manages raw materials into products, it is necessary to control. Because when an industrial company uses excess raw materials, it will require large additional funds. If that happens, there will be an increase in storage costs, or costs incurred to maintain the inventory.

Nature of Production Process

  1. Control of the manufacturing industry process by its nature is used to manage a product. The production process is also classified into four processes.
  2. Extractive process, which is producing a product with raw materials derived from nature. For example, coal and oil are readily available in nature
  3. Analytical process, namely the process of separating a material into several other types of goods that have the same shape and type as the original material. An example is the oil refining process.
  4. Fabrication is the process of converting one material into another form. For example, the process of making clothes made from cloth.
  5. Synthetic Process, namely producing products that come from a combination of different raw materials.

Product Term

The production process is classified into two types when viewed from the time period of making the product, namely:

  1. A continuous process that shows a state of the manufacturing industry takes a long time to produce a product. For example in the manufacture of cars that require a manufacturing process of up to 1 year.
  2. Intermittent process that shows the state of the industry that will stop several times in making the product. Usually the industry will make a variety of different products according to customer demand.

Production Nature

  1. There are two types of production when viewed from the nature of production, namely standard production and order production.
  2. Standard production is the production of goods that are mostly carried out by producers. In addition to being sent to customers or distributors, the resulting products can also be inventory items, such as refrigerators and televisions.
  3. Production orders, namely production will be carried out if there are orders from customers who want the specifications they want. For example ordering uniforms.